What can neuroscience and psychology do against climate change?

What can neuroscience and psychology do against climate change?

In the midst of climate change, affecting our environment, habits and habitat, cognitive sciences, and more specifically neuroscience and psychology, can allow us to better understand our drivers for action and inaction, our adaptative behavior and the biological and physiological consequences of environmental change. Putting into evidence the relation between brain health and climate change Researchers warn that increased heat stress resulting from global warming has a detrimental effect on health and productivity. According to Nancy Sicotte, MD, chair of the Department of Neurology of Cedar Sinai Hospital, there is an optimum temperature at which the body and the brain work best. Moreover, heat stress caused by climate change and extreme weather will lead to a reduction in working hours and disproportionately affect workers in specific industries such as construction…
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Best practices about Sustainable Consumerism

Best practices about Sustainable Consumerism

Sustainable consumption is directly related to the concept of sustainable development, which is about achieving long-term social and economic goals while taking into account positive or minimal environmental impact. [1] Nowadays, consumption significantly contributes to serious environmental problems such as resource depletion, water pollution, air pollution, climate change, degradation of the global ecosystem. The principle of sustainability implies minimal consumption of resources, but the concept of consumerism is the opposite of this. Therefore, it is important for companies to implement a sustainable marketing strategy that enables sustainability and minimizes the effects of consumption. What are the goals of sustainable consumption? - Education related to sustainable consumption - Development of public transport and transport which will be environmentally friendly - Reduction of the harmful impact of processes related to the production,…
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How to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?

How to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions?

Rising temperatures result in climate and weather changes. We are increasingly seeing floods, droughts, heavy rainfall, and strong heatwaves caused by climate change in many places on earth. All of these changes will be more visible in the coming decades and will be a big challenge for our society and environment. The climate impact is inevitable, but there are ways to mitigate it. Greenhouse gas mitigation are actions that are intended to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. What can we do to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to environmental protection? Here are some examples: Buy energy-Efficient Products - Many household appliances are available in energy-efficient models. For example, compact energy-saving light bulbs are designed to provide natural-looking light, with significantly less energy consumption than standard light bulbs. Replace the bulbs…
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What are the greenhouse gases? Greenhouse gases are components of the earth's atmosphere. They have physicochemical properties that allow them to retain solar energy in the Earth's atmosphere. Greenhouse gases absorb infrared radiation from the planet and are therefore considered to have a direct impact on the greenhouse effect. Source: https://pixabay.com/pl/photos/zanieczyszczenia-%C5%9Brodowiska-drone-4796858/ Greenhouse gases occur in the atmosphere both as a result of natural processes and in connection with human activity. Greenhouse gases affect the greenhouse effect in different ways and have an impact: Absorption rate; how much the substance absorbs solar radiation The lifetime of this substance in the atmosphere. These factors also determine the global warming potential (GWP), in other words, they determine the potential for creating the greenhouse effect. The determination of this indicator depends on the amount…
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Currently, women encounter many barriers in the social and labor sphere, but it is necessary for development and sustainability that companies to become aware of these barriers and establish policies to tackle them by promoting women empowerment. There are many tools, programs and formulas to empower women in order to create a fair, sustainable and effective industry, sector or organization. Furthermore, studies and data show that 70% of the world population living in poverty are women; or that only 15% of the world heritage belongs to women. For instance, in the Sub-Saharan African regions, three-quarters of the underweighted women and undernourished children are not considered being part of the 20% of the poorest households. These figures are representation of the inequalities that the most vulnerable suffer and poverty affecting mainly…
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CSR & the Covid 19 Pandemic

CSR & the Covid 19 Pandemic

Written by Piera Sciama, project manager, E-Juniors With the Covid19 pandemic, corporate social responsibility (CSR) commitments are being put to the test. They are under scrutiny by the public as well as by analysts and decision-makers. A long term solid CSR policies and a coherent sustainability strategy can insure company resilience in this time of unprecedented economic and social challenges. Part 1 CSR & Economic changes brought by Covid 19 The lockdown, implemented globally in order to guarantee social isolation and fight the spread of Covid 19, brought an unprecedented economic impact with factories closing, workers having to work from home, transports being limited and a lower consumption especially in the tourism, hospitality and catering sector. This situation sparked a reflexion on our economic and production systems. Valuing local supply…
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The vertical forest – protecting “urban biodiversity”

The vertical forest – protecting “urban biodiversity”

Written by Alessandra Colombo – project manager Just in these hours the eighth edition of the Soft Economy Festival is taking place in Italy and for the Summer Seminar "L'Italia che verrà" (Symbola), double participation of Stefano Boeri is planned. The architect will tell the thoughts and challenges faced during and after the Covid-19 pandemic. I still don't know how Boeri, the father of the "vertical forest", will decide to decline this theme, if he will say something about the cities and how the men impact on the territory that inhabit to the point of making it hostile. In fact, in the last few months, our super crowded cities have seemed to be the enemy that has finally made us aware of the space we occupy. Even if it's just…
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