P. 17
Organisations from ten EU member states will be partners in this 3-year project for facilitating the
transfer of the Swedish best practice model for physical activity on prescription (FaR). The overall
objectives are to promote good health and to prevent of non-communicable disease through
implementing country-based physical activity on prescription (PAP) programs in health services in
several countries.
This proposal focus on this transfer of best practice acknowledging the need for collaboration between
countries and added value of interdisciplinary and policy-practice-research collaboration. The health
service is an excellent arena for health promotion due to its coverage and access for the whole
population. The prescription of physical activity is a method that can reach and enable different
population groups enhancing their physical activity for prevention and treatment of
non-communicable diseases. Moreover, given access to health services this includes also socially
disadvantaged groups leading to reduction in health inequalities. This means that the present proposal
has the potential to contribute to meeting the objects and priorities in the work programme.
Target groups are organisations, stakeholders and end-users included in the local implementations.
Target groups for dissemination will be health care educators and practitioners, physical activity
suppliers, as well as patients and the general public.
Major achievements
● Involving policy and decision makers from authorities at national, regional and local level.
● Research points towards a social gradient in physical activity.
● Initiatives that have significant effect on social equity and equality are therefore crucial in this project.