Article by Materahub | Picture:
A Creative Hub is defined by the creative economy “as a physical or virtual place that brings enterprising people together who work in the creative and cultural industries.“
For the last century, they have truly become a fastgrowing ecosystem across the globe, form disused space of a post-industrial society, hubs have grown in all shapes and sizes, housed in structures that were previously factories, ammunition manufacturers, shipping containers and office buildings, and while the physical world of hubs has expanded, so has the digital world, with many virtual hubs on the rise.
Many hubs provide a wide range of services including: business start-up and development support in the shape of workshops and mentoring; prototyping and fabrication space; networking and events; research and development. They also have an impact on their external environment, regenerating urban and rural areas, while acting as lighthouses for invisible communities. Being part of a hub makes freelancers and micro SMEs feel part of a larger picture, without it necessarily meaning that they have to be part of an organisation. Freelancers and micro SMEs, who would normally work from home, are able to connect, collaborate and share with other minded people. Being part of a community increases freelancers’ confidence, experimentation, collaboration and growth. They play a crucial role in the future of the creative economy – boosting economic value, incubating product and service innovations, experimenting and challenging new ways of working and thinking, as well as being an advocate and a voice for the sector.

An example of a Creative Hub is the CRU cowork in Portugal. It is located at the heart of Porto’s art block, the Bombarda Art District. The group started in 2012, as a result of a daring dream and an innovative collaborative model, as the perfect place to attract talented, motivated, and creative people to form a vibrant and diverse community. This hub is aimed to be the spot where creative people could work and co-work, exhibit in a gallery and sell as a store their creative projects, items and brands, to serve both as a platform for launching independent projects, brands and authors, and as a harbor for those who feel good immersed in a creative environment.
CRU is an hub that interconnects various spheres of creative activity as well as to actively reflect on its social impact while being on a mission to raise awareness about artistic and creative creation. This network includes coworkers, designers, and entrepreneurs whose brands are represented in our store, partners, experts, and trainers who collaborate with the hub. It is part of the ECBN the European Creative Business Network.
More about the creative hubs and sustainability of culture >>