Page 4 - Environmental_Ecology
P. 4


                             Introduction to the topic

        European environmental policy is based on the precautionary principle, the prevention and correction of
        pollution at source and the polluter pays principle. Multiannual environmental action programmes set the
        framework for future action in all areas of environmental policy. They are integrated into horizontal
        strategies and are taken into account in international environmental negotiations. Last but not least,
        implementation is crucial.

        The legal basis is Articles 11 191, 192 and 193 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union
        (TFEU). The EU is competent to act in all areas of environmental policy, such as air and water pollution,
        waste management and climate change. Its scope of action is limited by the principle of subsidiarity and
        the requirement for unanimity in the Council in the areas of taxation, land-use planning, land use,
        quantitative water management, choice of energy sources and energy supply structure.

        The EU can and should use its influence and expertise and use its financial resources to mobilise and invite
        neighbouring countries and partners to chart a sustainable path together. The Green Deal is an integral part
        of this strategy to implement Agenda 2030 and the UN sustainable development objectives as well as the
        other priorities announced in President von der Leyen’s political guidelines.

                                     source: Frans Timmemans, Twitter post, 8 October 2019
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