Page 5 - Environmental_Ecology
P. 5
Introduction to the topic
In the context of the Green Deal , the Commission intends to refocus the macro-economic coordination
process of the European Semester to integrate the UN sustainable development objectives to put
sustainability and the well-being of citizens at the heart of economic policy and make sustainable
development objectives the focus of EU policy-making and action. To achieve these objectives, it is
essential to increase the value attributed to the protection and restoration of natural ecosystems
(which we will explore in Chapter 1 „Biodiversity and Ecosystems”), to the sustainable use of energy and
food resources (as we will see in Chapters 2 „Clean energy and green building” and 3 „Agroecology
and Quality food”) all for the improvement of human health (which we will explore in Chapter 4
„Quality of life”).
The objective is to have a zero climate impact EU in 2050. To this end, a European climate law has been
proposed which turns political commitment into a legal obligation and investment incentive.