Page 4 - Social_Social justice2
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Introduction to the topic
Social justice is a subcategory of justice. Social justice by definition refers to rights, duties and the
distribution of valuable goods in social institutions. People receive benefits on the basis of policies and
regulations defined by social justice. Examples of institutions: public services, market regulation, public
insurance, taxes, etc (John Rawls, A Theory of Justice, 1971)
Four principles of Social Justice:
• Equity – it is about equality of opportunity, available resources throughout society and distribution of
• Access – everybody has equal access to goods and services, no matter their age, gender, ethnicity etc.
• Participation – everybody can decide on decisions which will affect their lives.
• Rights – protecting individual liberties and rights to appeal decisions, which in their mind are unfair. 1
EU citizens can enjoy many freedoms and various forms of protection. Every citizen has equal personal,
civil, economic and social rights, and every citizen has the right to the protection of his or her personal data
and the right to free movement in most EU countries.
Every EU citizen has the same rights, based on the values of equality, social inclusion and respect for human
dignity, freedom, non-discrimination and democracy. These values are reinforced and protected by the rule
of law as set out in the EU Treaties and the Charter of Fundamental Rights. The European Union has a duty
to protect the personal data of Europeans and to strengthen their position as consumers.
EU citizens have legal protection in any EU country. Criminals are also prosecuted abroad and then
surrendered to national authorities under a European Arrest Warrant. Judicial authorities work together
through the European Judicial Cooperation Unit (Eurojust) to ensure that decisions issued in one EU
country are recognised and executed in other EU countries.
The European Union constantly strives to protect internal security, cooperating with law enforcement
agencies, civil protection and so on. Civic protection includes the fight against organised crime, as well as
increasing the effectiveness of cooperation between national police forces through the European Police
Office (EUROPOL).