Page 9 - Economy_CSR
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1.4 Eco-Efficiency in CSR - BEST PRACTICE
Innovation in sustainable products (Viva Green)
Fleet Farming was created to combine lawn space with agricultural production, reduce carbon emissions,
and improve the convenience of healthy, economic food consumption. Fleet Farmlettes is a program that
creates model urban farms for communities to learn about sustainable food growth and local farmers
Context: VivaGreen is a company founded in 1992 that produces biodegradable, chemical-free and
recycled products for a home-based and daily use.
Challenge: VivaGreen is active in the research and development of these materials and is committed in
developing green and high quality products.
Solution: Viva Green CSR strategy focuses on education, research, community relations, ethics, and most
importantly expanding engineering resource to answer to the challenge of growth in their product range
and distribution channels.It identifies sustainable substitute product materials with similar cost base to the
harmful products to allow products to be competitive. It also focuses on product performance.
Result: Increased turnover by 100% in two years and increase of 65% in exports.
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